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Minerals and Fossils Wholesale

The Munich Show as a Sourcing Platform

August 19, 2024

With the reintroduction of Hall A4 this year, the exhibition space of the Munich Show has significantly expanded, especially for the wholesale sector. In addition to the established European exhibitors, dealers from Brazil, China, India, Madagascar, and Morocco have also been presenting attractive collections at the show for many years.

This year, many companies that were unable to participate in previous years due to space limitations are back in Munich. Visitors can look forward to ammonites of all sizes and qualities, shark teeth, and delicate trilobites in collector quality from Morocco, one of the most fossil-rich regions on Earth. From Madagascar, known for its rich mineralogical treasures, traders bring raw stones, semi-precious stones, and decorative objects to Munich. For those who appreciate impressive quartz crystals and amethysts, a visit to the wholesalers from Brazil or Uruguay is highly recommended.

The additional space makes it easier for exhibitors to showcase their often large-format objects and provides visitors with a relaxed shopping atmosphere as well as improved logistics.